How to get the best choice of au pairs and nannies?
Ideas and tips for families
Yes, you can make your family profile even better!
Successfully signed up & now just wondering what can you do for your family profile to stand out? If you want the best possible choice in au pairs and nannies: improve your profile.
10 great ideas in order for you to find help with childcare fast
1. Upload family photos
Just like you, most au pairs and nannies click on profiles with pictures. Au pairs and nannies worry about their safety and their happiness, just as you do about your family. They want to get a good idea about your family’s life. The best way to show them you are a nice, genuine family, is to let them see photos of you all. Most nannies and au pairs search for families who have at least one photo in their profile. If you have not uploaded a photo, these candidates will not see you in their searches. Generally, the more photos you upload, the more applications you will receive. Make sure you’ve got about 6-8 pictures on your profile.
2. Friendly and informative family profile
It is a big thing for a young person to consider travelling hundreds or thousands of miles, to a strange country, to live with people they do not know. This will help you to write a friendly and welcoming profile. Write enough information about your family. Au pairs and nannies will choose a family they feel they will like and they can trust. Give them an idea of what it would be like living with you and working for you. It’s good to describe the duties you require, but au pairs are also interested in the family’s daily routines, hobbies etc.
3. Why chose your family? – Advantages of the au pair job you offer
State all advantages you can offer. For example “For your days off, it takes only 30 minutes to get to the city of x, where there is a lot to see and do, and where many young people go.”
4. Be open
Be informative and honest when writing your family profile. If you haven’t completed your full registration yet – do it today. The sooner you do it the sooner you’ll find the right au pair for your family.
5. Be realistic about what you can expect from your au pair
Think carefully about ‘nice to have; and ‘must have’. Review your requirements and see what would you be happy to compromise on, in order to find an au pair faster. Only put your “must have’s” in your profile and searches. If an au pair can offer you even more, that’s a bonus!
6. Au pair’s Salary
Check that you are offering a reasonable amount of salary/pocket money. It may be worth paying a little more if you feel you have less advantages to offer, for example if you live a long way from the nearest city or you’re asking for more hours etc.
7. References from other au pairs/nannies and others
If you have an au pair or nanny now, or have had au pairs or nannies before, you could say something about this. This can help a prospective au pair feel that you are a family that understands all the possible issues. Also, nannies and au pairs are sensitive to their own safety. If you specify that you can provide references, this can help. References can be from previous au pairs, or from trusted members of your community such as religious leaders, judges, members of professional associations such as accountants and lawyers, etc.
8. Be reasonable with the thinks you’re asking from your au pair
Are you asking for too much? Life is all about compromise. Look at what you are asking for – are there things which could be “preferred” rather than “required”? For example, you might decide that instead of saying “Our nanny will be required to babysit 3 evenings per week” you could say “We would like our nanny to be available for babysitting sometimes during the week”. In this way, you may get more applications, and you can then raise this question with them in your email correspondence.
9. Language learning possibilities for au pair
Many nannies and au pairs choose to do this work so that they can learn the language of your country. Maybe you could say something about language schools in your area, or the fact that you would like to help by speaking to your au pair as often as possible.
10. Write enough about you and the childcare job you’re offering, but not too much
Getting the volume right is important. A very short description? It’s often not enough to get an au pair interested. Too long family profile? It might be difficult for an au pair to read and understand it all. You can discuss details when you get in contact.
More information about having an au pair or nanny:
I would like to register/sign up free
How to use our site to find au pairs / nannies
Safety advice for families
Live in nanny or au pair
Internet safety
Visa information for au pairs and nannies
Au pairs and nannies nationality
Which countries can my au pair/nanny come from?
Au pair salary / nanny salary info
Summer au pair
Au pair agency info
Nanny agencies