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A family can be perfect in everything except one thing, and you would choose them if you saw their profile. However, if your criteria excludes them because of one thing, then you will not see them. It is possible that you are making your criteria too narrow or you want too many things. Look at your criteria again, and widen your search.
Our host family members come from all over the World. They vary by location, number of children, when they want an au pair or nanny to start the job, the duration of the work, and by what they are looking for. If you
register as a member, you can use all the search methods above to find your perfect au pair job or nanny job faster.
How to find an au pair or nanny or au pair job fast – picking your favourite jobs
When you find families that you like, add them to your favourites. Their profile will be saved in “My Favourites”, sorted by “date of last log-in”. Most au pairs and nannies will add many families to their Favourites list, to get as many positive responses as possible.
How to contact a host family
Tell a family that you are interested: add them to your Favourites. The family will automatically receive an email from our web site telling them that you have added them, and giving them a link to your profile. Add more families to give yourself more possibilities. We always ask families to reply to you but some don’t. That’s why it’s important that you choose multiple childcare job possibilities.
When the family views your profile, they will have the opportunity to add you to their Favourites and you will get an automatic email from us. Full family members can also email you direct, and you can then email them back. They will normally also add you to their own Favourites and you will receive an automatic email. Most families will add a number of au pairs or nannies to their Favourites list. If they do not email you, be patient. They might be interested, and might send you an email later.
The information written on your profile is very helpful, but it’s natural that the family will have questions for you. If you will one day become their new au pair or nanny, you will exchange many emails, and you will speak to the family a few times, before the final decision.
What happens if I add a family but they don’t think I am the right au pair for them?
If any families feel you are not quite right for them, they can send an email via the web site, which we call a
“Thanks, but…” email. This is a standard response which cannot be personalised by the family, and therefore contains no reasons. It may be that your dates are not right for the family, or they are close to agreeing to accept another au pair, or many other reasons.
Check that your profile is friendly: it has 4-5 pictures and enough information about you.
We make this email a standard one to make it easy for the family to give a response. This way, you generally get a quick answer. Many families find it difficult or embarrassing to write an email saying “no”, so we provide them with a simple solution so that you know as soon as possible.
When you choose a family you do so for very personal reasons. It is the same for families. There are many possible reasons why someone might choose someone else. The important thing is not to take this personally and keep adding families to your favourites.
Advice on communicating with families
We recommend that you are open and honest with the family. Don’t worry about asking the difficult questions. To live in a foreign country with people that you don’t know is a big decision. It is understandable that you will want to find out as much as you feel necessary about the family. The family will do the same, to make sure you will all be happy together.
If you have some helpful advice to share with other au pairs, please send it to us, and we may publish it on this page. Unfortunately, we can’t reply personally to every email, or we would have to employ many more people and would not be able to offer free membership to au pairs and nannies.
Finally, when a family contacts you this does not mean that they are making a job offer. Generally they will want to ask you questions first, to get to know you better.
Good luck, and best regards
The newaupair.com team
Love working with kids? More about being an au pair:
- I would like to register/sign up free
- How to find childcare jobs
- Au pairs and nannies safety
- What is an au pair?
- Internet safety
- Which countries can I work as an au pair/nanny?
- Country information for au pairs and nannies
- Visa information for au pairs and nannies
- Au pair salary / nanny salary info
- Summer au pair
- Au pair agency info
- Au pair/nanny FAQs and help
- Example au pair/nanny profile
- Profile tips for au pairs/nannies