40 au pairs found

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Pavel is 22, from Uzbekistan, and he is available from 1 Sep, 2025

He says: Bonjour, ma future famille:) Je m'appelle Paul ou Pavel en manière Russe. le 20 mars j'aurai 22 ans. J'étudie à l'université, l'année dernière. Je suis une personne responsable, ouverte et communicative. J'aime les enfants, jouer avec eux, car ça m'aide à revenir à mon enfance, mes souvenirs. J'au deux neveux, donc j'ai beaucoup d'expérience avec les enfants. Ma nationalité est Russe, mais je suis né et j'habite en Ouzbékistan. J'apprends le français moi-même depuis 1,5 ans. Je rêve d'aller en
His interests are: Tennis. Musique.

Mokhinur is 25, from Uzbekistan, and she is available from 20 Sep, 2019

She says: Mokhinur, Au pair from the heart of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, looking for a job with friendly and active family, starting from September or October) Hope to find you soon..))
Her interests are: Cycling, drawing, traveling

Farangiz is 23, from Uzbekistan, and she is available from 1 Jul, 2020

She says: I'm a sociable and reliable person who can easily get on well with children.l need a kind family.
Her interests are: I'm very active girl who wants to try everything.l like sport,reading books,travelling,watching movies and learning languages etc

Farangiz is 30, from Uzbekistan, and she is available from 22 Sep, 2020

She says: Nany/Au Pair from Uzbekistan called Farangiz, 24, looking for a job with a friendly family, starting from june or july.
Her interests are: reading cycling listening music

Shakhzod is 24, from Uzbekistan, and he is available from 3 Mar, 2020

He says: Au pair from Uzbekistan called Shkhzod, 19 years old, looking for a job with nice family, starting from 1 March.
His interests are: I like so much playing sport activities, and I am keen swimmer. I have planty hobbies and all of them taken up according to my ability. I love reading boooks, leorning other languages, cycling, swimming, collecting coins and playing video games.

Akhrorbek is 31, from Uzbekistan, and he is available from 13 Jan, 2020

He says: Au Pair from Uzbekistan called Akhror , 25 , I'm looking for awesome family with awesome children.
His interests are: Listening music, Reading books, Traveling

Dilorom is 30, from Uzbekistan, and she is available from 30 Aug, 2019

She says: Au pair from Uzbekistan called Dilorom, 25 , looking for a job with a nice family and sweet children. Starting date 30 august
Her interests are: I like travelling, going historical and modern places. Playing with kids. Running, watching movies.

Maftuna is 28, from Uzbekistan, and she is available from 1 Jan, 2020

She says: Ich bin Maftuna aus Usbekistan, 23,ich suche eine freundliche Familie :).
Her interests are: Meine Hobbys sind singen, Rad fahren, Schach spielen und mehr....

Maftuna is 28, from Uzbekistan, and she is available from 18 Dec, 2019

She says: Maftuna , 23 from Uzbekistan ...looking for a nice Family in Germany
Her interests are: I love music , travelling and learning languages . I am very happy and I laugh to smile :

Mukhammadjon is 25, from Uzbekistan, and he is available from 6 Sep, 2019

He says: Aupair from Uzbekistan, 20, looking a job a nice family ASAP.
His interests are: music, check.

Shuxrat is 31, from Uzbekistan, and he is available from 24 Aug, 2019

He says: Hello Im a boy who loves children
His interests are: Swimming playing football go out with friends

Zubayda is 30, from Uzbekistan, and she is available from 1 Sep, 2019

She says: Nanny/au pair from Uzbekistan called Zubayda, 24, looking for a job with a kind family, starting from 1 September.
Her interests are: Learning languages, playing with kids and cooking

Jakhongir is 29, from Uzbekistan, and he is available from 26 Aug, 2019

He says: Hi! Au pair from Samarkand callled Jakhongir,23, looking for a job with a nice family, starting from August-September!!!
His interests are: Walking, music, painting

Mukhammadjon is 25, from Uzbekistan, and he is available from 1 Jul, 2019

He says: Hallo meine zuekunftige liebe gastfamilie . ich bin Mukhammadjon aus Usbekistan und bin im 20. ich will als aupair nach Deutschland arbeiten. ich interessiere mich deutsche familien kultur . ich will gerne aupair in eine nette gastfamilie sein.
His interests are: meine Hobbys sind rad fahren inlineskaten fussball spielen muzik hoeren u sw.

Gulrux is 30, from Uzbekistan, and she is available from 30 Jul, 2019

She says: I'm Gulrux from Uzbekistan .I'm a teacher of English at school añd graduated from university in 2018.I'm really enthusiastic about sharing my culture and care with a family and children .As an aupair l would like to be a part of friendly family starting from July 2019.
Her interests are: I love cycling , cooking , listening to music, reading, designing and playing tennis

Roziya is 29, from Uzbekistan, and she is available from 1 Jul, 2019

She says: Au Pair from Tajikistan looking for a job with a nice family, starting from 1 July
Her interests are: Cycling, reading the books, walking, cooking

Asadbek is 24, from Uzbekistan, and he is available from 15 Jul, 2019

He says: Nanny/au pair aus Usbekistan. Asadbek, lustig und flexibel, 18, suche nach schöner Gastfamilie aus Deutschland.
His interests are: Bücher lesen, Musik hören, mit Kindern spielen, Fahrrad fahren, schwimmen

Humoyun is 25, from Uzbekistan, and he is available from 25 Mar, 2019

He says: Meine Hobys sind Bücher lesen ,Schach spielen und ich spasiere gerne im Natur. In einem Au pair im Ausland möchte ich meinem Lebenssinn der Unterstützung hilfsbedürftiger Menschen vollkommen und leidenschaftlich nachgehen und stelle mir auch in der Zukunft vor in einem sozialen Projekt beruflich aktiv zu sein, für das ich nötige Praxiserfahrungen bereits im Ausland sammeln möchte. Ich möchte gerne anderen Menschen helfen. Ich finde es wichtig, anderen Menschen nützlich zu sein, die Hilfe brauch
His interests are: Reading book ,music listening,cycling

Suhayli is 24, from Uzbekistan, and he is available from 15 Dec, 2018

He says: aupair from Tajikistan Suhayli 18 year beginning January
His interests are: Golf tenis swimming

Bahodir is 23, from Uzbekistan, and he is available from 28 Jun, 2019

He says: Hello,Dear Family. I'm Bahodir, from Uzbekistan.I live in Andijan.I'm almost 18 years old.This year I finished my studies in College.I study economics, but I want to be an architect in the future.
His interests are: Draw,music,basketball

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