Wilma, female, age 28

Hi families, I’m an au pair/nanny

Wilma aged 28
Gender: female
Nationality: Mexican
Location: Mexico
Membership No: 737225

Wilma aged 28

Location: Mexico
Main Language: Spanish
Other Languages: English, French
Religion: Christian
Marital Status: Single
Health: Excellent
Dietary Considerations: None
Allergies: None
Smoker: No
Height: 5' 3''
Weight: 62 Kg / 137.671 lbs
Childcare Experience: 1-2 Years
Do you have Nanny Qualifications: No
Education: College/University Graduate
First Aid Training: Yes
Swimmer: Yes
Drivers Licence: Yes
Willing To Drive: Yes
Part Of Au Pair Couple: No
Live In Or Out: Live In
Full Time / Part Time: Part Time
References Available: No
Preferred Countries: Belgium, Canada, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Will Care For Elderly: No
Will Care For Special Needs: No
Will Care For Children Under Two: No
Max. Number Of Children: 3
Will Care For Pets: Yes
Will Do Housework: Light
Attending Language School: No
Preferred Location Type: No Preference
Accept Smoking Family? No
Accept Single Parent Family? Yes - single mothers

Available from: 12 Dec, 2019  Available to: 10 Jun, 2020

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Introduction of the au pair / nanny:

SAFETY WARNING: if you see any contact details here (unless you are a Premium family Member) DO NOT CONTACT THIS AU PAIR/NANNY but report it to us! It might be a scammer who will ask you for money.

I'm Wilma, I'm a mexican girl, I'm 23 years old, I'm Looking for a nice and lovely family. With Kids to 4-10 years old. I can Start in June or July 2020!!

I'm studying the last year of the degree in Architecture. Thanks to the opportunities that my university has, I was able to study a semester in Spain, at the University of Lleida. This exchange gave me the opportunity to meet more countries in Europe.

About my family, I am the oldest of three children my parents have.
I come from a family with Christian values.
I consider myself a cheerful, determined, responsable and warm; I am also a person who learns quickly and who knows how to take control with groups.
I am creative and patient, I like doing manual things, I love taking pictures, being in the field or outdoors, doing sports activities and I adapt very well to any circumstance or activity.

I have experiences with taking care of children, for more than 5 years I was in the child support group in my church and sometimes I was babysitter with my niece or friends' family.

I Love animals, I have 3 cats and 6 dogs also I grow up part of my life in a ranch out of my town, so I'm familiarized with the nature and that life style.